IDES para linux

Entornos de desarrollo integrados / RAD tools / GUI-builder sobre linux:

  • General/Editors:
    1. IBM's Eclipse (an extensible IDE kit; Java, C/C++, plus otros lenguajes via plug-ins
    2. Code Crusader (supports just about everything) with the Code Medic debugger
    3. CYGNUS's Source Navigator with the Insight debugger
  • Ada:
    1. TIA (for GNAT Ada 95)
  • C/C++:
    1. ICS's BX Pro (for Motif/C++)
    2. Code Forge's C-Forge
    3. Metrowerks's Code Warrior
    4. Bloodshed Software's Dev-C++ (for C/C++)
    5. IBM's Eclipse (an extensible IDE kit; Java, C/C++ in late beta, other plug-ins pending)
    6. CYGNUS's GNUPro
    7. FLTK & Fluid (for C++)
    8. Suite 3220 Software's Moonshine and Moonshine Professional
    9. QtEZ (for C++ w/Qt)
    10. Scintilla (for GTK+/C++)
    11. Wind River Systems / TakeFive Software's SNiFF+ and SNiFF Penguin
    12. CYGNUS's Source Navigator
    13. with the Insight debugger
    14. TogetherSoft's Together
    15. MicroEdge's Visual SlickEdit
    16. Q Software Solutions's Wedit
    17. VIDE (for C++ and Java)
    18. wxStudio (for C++ and Python)
  • Objective-C:
    1. GNUStep's ProjectCenter
  • ECMAScript (formerly "Javascript"):
    1. TrollTech AS's Qt Scripter (for the Qt Script extension of ECMAScript)
    2. Nombas, Inc.'s ScriptEase (for ECMAScript)
  • Eiffel:
    1. Interactive Software Engineering's EiffelBench
  • HTML:
  • Java:
    1. AnyJ (for Java)
    2. VioSoft Arriba
    3. Omnicore Software's CodeG
    4. IBM's Eclipse (an extensible IDE kit; Java, C/C++ in late beta, other plug-ins pending)
    5. Elixir (for Java, HTML, Scheme, TCL)
    6. IntelliJ's IDEA
    7. Borland's JBuilder aka JavaBuilder
    8. JCreator LE or Pro
    9. BulletProof's JDesignerPro
    10. Jedit (for Java, when used with plug-ins)
    11. Allaire's Kawa
    12. ProSyst's mBedded Builder (for embedded Java)
    13. Data Representations's Simplicity and Simplicity Professional
    14. Wind River Systems / TakeFive Software's SNiFF+ and SNiFF Penguin
    15. CYGNUS's Source Navigator with the Insight debugger
    16. Sun One Studio 4 (formerly Forte)
    17. SwingSoft's SwingBuilder
    18. TogetherSoft's Together
    19. VIDE (for C++ and Java)
    20. IST's Visaj
    21. Compuware's OptimalJ
    22. IBM's WebSphere Application Developer (for Java J2EE)
  • Pascal:
    1. Borland's "Kylix Open Edition" (for GPL-licensed projects only, using Object Pascal aka Delphi or C++ source code, with Java to be added later)
    2. Lazarus (for Object Pascal/Delphi)
    3. fpGUI (for Object Pascal/Delphi)
  • Perl:
    1. ActiveState's Komodo
  • PHP:
    1. ActiveState's Komodo
    2. Maguma Workbench (proprietary)
    3. Bluefish (primarily an HTML editor)
    4. Quanta+ (primarily an HTML editor
    5. Screem (PHP, XML; primarily an HTML editor / site-development environment)
  • Python:
    1. ActiveState's ActivePython
    2. BlackAdder (for Python and Ruby)
    3. Guido van Rossum's IDLE
    4. ActiveState's Komodo
    5. PythonWare's PythonWorks Pro
    6. Archeopteryx Software's Wing IDE
    7. wxStudio (for C++ and Python)
    8. Digital Creations's Zope Studio
  • QT:
    1. QtEZ (for C++ w/Qt)
    2. TrollTech AS's Qt Scripter (for the Qt Script extension of ECMAScript)
  • Ruby:
    1. BlackAdder (for Python and Ruby)
  • Scheme/Lisp:
    1. Elixir (for Java, HTML, Scheme, TCL)
    2. Jabberwocky (for Lisp)
  • Smalltalk:
    1. Squeak (Smalltalk-80)
  • TCL/Tk:
    1. Elixir (for Java, HTML, Scheme, TCL)
    2. ActiveState's Komodo
    3. Tcl Developer Studio (for Tcl/Tix)
  • wx (cross-platform/cross-language GUI library):

  • Other:
    1. EXOR International Inc.'s eVGS Development Suite (not ported yet)
    2. National Instruments's LabView
    3. Omnis Studio (for the Omnis 4GL)
    4. Runtime Revolution Ltd.'s Revolution (for Transcript)

  • Warning: Some of the above are binary-only and x86-Linux-only.

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